Wednesday, August 5, 2020


Hello! Dear second graders students this week you are going to learn about people that inspire us with their incredible life experiences and bullying but they never give up.

Enjoy watching the video about Nick Vujicic that inspire us with his life, and answer the challenging question.
๐Ÿ˜‡ What values have you learned from Nick's life?

A2/ A2+
Enjoy watching the video about bullying experience at school, and answer the challenging question.

๐Ÿ˜‡ What would you do if you saw someone suffer from bullying?

Remember to send your challenging product of the week in our Google Classroom.
Have a nice week!


  1. ๐ŸผGood morning teacher I am the student Anjhely Rodenas of 2D and today I will answer your challenging question:

    ๐Ÿ‚What would you do if you saw someone suffer from bullying?

    -I would talk to the person who is going through these moments and convince him to talk to a person who can help. It would also help him report these acts, always supporting him so that he doesn't feel alone.

    Thank you teacher, I have no Thank.

    1. Good afternoon dear Gabriela,
      You a caring person that knows how to act in a case of bullying. I suggest you always tell an adult for helping, and remember
      you should never face a stalker alone.
      Be safe, stay and learn at home.

    2. Sorry teacher, but I'm student Anjhely Rodenas

  2. Good afternoon Professor Yaneth, I am Paloma Mรฉndez from 2nd B and I will answer your questions:

    What would you do if you saw someone suffering from bullying?

    Talk to adults about what's going on to take action.
    I would try to talk to people who apply bullying to make them aware.
    It would guide the person who applies the harassment so that they are not silent about what is happening.
    It would also alert the community to this phenomenon so that they can spread it.

    Thank you!!╰(*°▽°*)╯

    1. Good afternoon dear Paloma,
      You are a caring and wise person that how to act and avoid bullying everywhere. I suggest you create a poster to prevent bullying in our school.
      Be safe, stay, and learn at home.
      Mrs. Zevallos

    2. Good afternoon Professor Yaneth, thank you for the recommendation and I will listen to your suggestion.
      Thank you!!

    3. Good evening dear Paloma,
      You are a responsible teenager and student. I am so proud of your learning progress.
      Mrs. Zevallos

  3. Good afternoon teacher, I am the student Antonella Pomajulca from 2 "D".
    What would you do if you saw someone suffer from bullying?
    What I would do is ask her about what happened, then I would try to convince her to go to a trusted adult to tell her about this issue and find a solution to the problem.
    Thank you.

    1. Good afternoon dear Antonella,
      Congratulations! You are a smart and supportive person that knows how to act in case of bullying. I suggest you always tell an adult that you trust about the problem. Why not you create a slogan to avoid bullying.
      Be safe, stay, and learn at home.
      Mrs. Zevallos

  4. ๐Ÿฆ‹Good morning teacher, I am the student Valery Holguin of 2D and today I will answer your challenging question:

    ๐ŸŒฟ๐–๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ฏ๐š๐ฅ๐ฎ๐ž๐ฌ ๐ก๐š๐ฏ๐ž ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ฅ๐ž๐š๐ซ๐ง๐ž๐ ๐Ÿ๐ซ๐จ๐ฆ ๐๐ข๐œ๐ค'๐ฌ ๐ฅ๐ข๐Ÿ๐ž?

    ➸Nick's, despite not having arms and legs, proved to be a strong person and does not surrender to life's obstacles, he is a person to admire, the values ​​that I learned from Nick's life is that we always have to be strong before of any problem, if we fail in something, do not give up and find a way to move on, do not lose faith.

    ๐šƒ๐š‘๐šŠ๐š—๐š” ๐šข๐š˜๐šž ๐š๐šŽ๐šŠ๐šŒ๐š‘๐šŽ๐š› ๐šŠ๐š—๐š ๐™ธ ๐š‘๐šŠ๐šŸ๐šŽ ๐š—๐š˜ ๐š๐š˜๐šž๐š‹๐š๐šœ ๐šŠ๐š‹๐š˜๐šž๐š ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐šŠ๐šŒ๐š๐š’๐šŸ๐š’๐š๐šข.

    1. Good afternoon dear Valery,
      Congrats! You are a wise girl that learns a great value from Nick's experience. To be strong and resilient are so important values that you never give up.
      What do you want to say to Nick if you are in front of him?
      Be safe, stay, and learn home.
      Mrs. Zevallos

    2. ๐ŸŒนGood night teacher, Thank you for your words and now I will answer your question:

      ⭐๐–๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐๐จ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ฐ๐š๐ง๐ญ ๐ญ๐จ ๐ฌ๐š๐ฒ ๐ญ๐จ ๐๐ข๐œ๐ค ๐ข๐Ÿ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐š๐ซ๐ž ๐ข๐ง ๐Ÿ๐ซ๐จ๐ง๐ญ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ก๐ข๐ฆ?

      ➫What I would tell you is that he is a great person, very strong and brave, he is someone I can admire and look at as an example to find a positive side to the problems he may have, I would also tell him that his family and wife are very proud of him and that he is always positive, I know that I am not the only one who admires him.

      ๐˜›๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฌ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ ๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ, ๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ท๐˜ฆ ๐˜ข ๐˜ฏ๐˜ช๐˜ค๐˜ฆ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฌ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ. ๐Ÿจ๐Ÿฅ€

    3. Good evening dear Valery,
      You are right about Nick's life. He's admirable and strong.
      I am so proud of you because you are a wise teenager.
      Mrs. Zevallos

    4. ✔Thank you very much for your answer teacher. ☺

  5. Good afternoon Professor Yaneth, I am Lorena Yzarra from 2nd B.

    What would you do if you saw someone suffering from bullying?
    Talk to the person who is being bullied.
    Let them know that you are concerned about their well-being.
    Talk to an adult you trust.

    1. Good afternoon dear Lorena,
      You are a wise girl that knows how to act in a case of bullying.
      I suggest you should never face a stalker alone.
      Why not you create a slogan to say no bullying.
      Be safe, stay, and learn at home.

  6. ๐Ÿ’™Good afternoon teacher, I'm student Ashley Cahuas from 2 "B", this week's theme "Let's celebrate diversity" and I will answer your question.

    ๐ŸŽ‡ What values have you learned from Nick's life?

    ✨The values ​​that I learned from Nik's life are that we should never say that we cannot, that we are valuable and valuable, we should be grateful, love ourselves as we are and never think that we are worth nothing.

    Thank you teacher ๐ŸŽ‡๐Ÿ’™✨.

    1. Good evening dear Ashley,
      Excellent values! You are a smart and valuable teenager that believes in yourself. Remember you are always valuable.
      What do you want to say Nick if you are in front of him?
      Mrs. Zevallos

    2. Good afternoon teacher, I would tell Nick that his life inspires many people not to give up in the face of life's obstacles. Thank you ๐Ÿ’™๐ŸŽ‡

    3. Good evening dear Ashley,
      Nick will be glad if he listens to your kind words from him.
      You are a kind girl.

  7. Good afternoon miss Yanet, I'm the student Melissa Arce of 2cd grade "C" and today I am going to answer your challeging questions:

    What would you do if you saw someone suffering from bullying?

    - First I would talk to her and give her the confidence she needs, then we would go and talk to her family or teacher in any case. I would spend as much time with her as possible so she wouldn't be attacked again because it's a very difficult situation and I wouldn't want her to be alone.

    Thank you teacher!๐Ÿ˜Š

    1. Good evening dear Melissa,
      You are a very wise and supportive teenager who knows how to act in a case of bullying. I recommend that you always seek help in a bullying situation. Remember that you are counting on me.
      Why not you create a poster to stop bullying.
      Mrs. Zevallos


  8. good night teacher soye student Aaron Poma of 2D
    What values ​​have you learned from Nick's life?

    From nick's life I learned not to give up, that everything is possible, that there is no obstacle and if you commit to doing it you will be able to do it in conclusion I learned the value of perseverance
    Thank you

    1. Good evening dear Aaron,
      I am so proud of you because you are a wise boy that has big dreams. I know you can come true with all your dreams with hard-working and perseverance.
      What would you like to study when you finish high school?
      Mrs. Zevallos

  9. Very good afternoon professor, I am the student Joseph Palomino Zavala of 2 ° C and I will answer the challenging question:
    ¿What would you do if you saw someone suffering from bullying?
    Well, in my point of view, if I saw a child or person suffering bullying, I would really try to help him, perhaps by talking to his parents or the teachers of his institution to prevent further damage from the aggressors.
    Thanks :b

    1. Good evening dear Joseph,
      Amazing ideas that you can do to avoid bullying in our school. I suggest you always be part of the change that you want to see in our school.
      Why not you create a poster to stop bullying in the schools.
      Mrs. Zevallos

  10. Good evening professor, my name is Jefrey Anthony Murgueytio Alvarez from 2nd B
    I will answer the following question:
    What values have you learned from Nick's life?
    I have learned about Nick Vujicic's struggle, the values of perseverance, tolerance, never giving up, etc.

    1. Good evening dear Jefrey,
      Well done! Stunning values that you can practice every day and everywhere.
      Tell me an example where you were perseverant.
      Mrs. Zevallos

  11. Good morning teacher, I'm student Yamiley Vidal of 2° B. Today I'll answer the following questions:
    What values have you learned from Nick's life?
    I learned from Nick Vujicic the values of perseverance, overcoming, hope, among others.
    Thank you. :)

    1. Good evening dear Yamiley,
      Wonderful values! You are a wise teenager that can apply these wonderful values to get all your dreams came true.
      What do you want to say to Nick if you are in front of him?
      Mrs. Zevallos

  12. Good afternoon teacher Yanet, I am the student Kiara Cespedes Lujan from 2nd A
    I will answer the following question: (A2/ A2+)
    What would you do if you saw someone being bullied?
    - If bullying occurs within the school, it is necessary to speak with a teacher, principal, administrator, or counselor; it is also important to speak with the victim's parents; In short, you should speak to a trusted adult. It is also necessary to talk to the victim and explain that he should not remain silent, as he may be afraid to tell what is happening to him.
    Thank you. UwU

    1. Good afternoon dear Kiara,
      Wonderful ideas to avoid bullying in our schools Kiara. You are a wise teenager that how to act in a case of bullying.
      Why not you create a poster with your ideas to avoid bullying.
      Mrs. Zevallos

  13. Good afternoon teacher, I'm the student Jessica ร‘iquen from 2nd "C"
    What values ​​have you learned from Nick's life?
    The values ​​that I learned from Nick's life are perseverance, effort, commitment, respect, empathy and above all I learned about self-love, and how important it is to love, respect and appreciate yourself no matter what. think of others, always fight for our dreams and goals facing all the obstacles that come our way.

    1. Good afternoon dear Jessica,
      Amazing values that you must practice them. I agree with you about fighting for your dreams to come true.
      What do you want to say to Nick if you are in front of hime?

  14. Good evening teacher Yanet, I am the student Micaela Delgado from the 2nd D and I will answer the question:
    What values ​​have you learned from Nick's life?
    I have learned about courage and that it was not impossible for him to continue being happy and he fulfilled his dreams, very admirable. Thank you.

    1. Good evening dear Micaela,
      You are so wise teenager that practices these values in this challenging circumstance. You must be a courageous and optimistic person.
      What do you want to say to Nick if you are in front of him?
      Mrs. Zevallos

  15. Good afternoon teacher, I am the student Celeste Sanchez from 2 "B" and I answer the challenging question of level A1.
    -Well for me, the video isolates me to reflect a lot and teaches me that even if we have difficulties in life, we must get ahead, live life, enjoy it, value the life we ​​have, be happy with what we have, accept ourselves as we are, follow our own goals and know that we are valuable.
    Thank you

    1. Good evening dear Celeste,
      It's so important accept yourself as you are. I suggest you always follow your dreams.
      What do you want to say to Nick if you are in front of him?

  16. Good evening teacher, I am Claudio Ledesma student from 2 "A" and I answer A 2's question.
    -What would you do if you saw someone suffer from bullying?
    If the aggression starts, I would tell my tutor to talk to him and his parents in case he has a personal problem, solve it and end his problem so that it is not affecting others.
    What do you want to say to Nick if you are in front of him?
    That he is a great person and that I thank you for giving advice to those people and that I am very honored that he can read this.
    Thank you. Bye.

    1. Good evening dear Claudio,
      You have brilliant ideas to avoid bullying in schools. Why not you create a poster to say no bullying.
      I agree with you Claudio about Nick is a great person.
      Mrs. Zevallos

  17. Good evening teacher, I am the student Karina Paredes Cabada from 2D and today I will answer your challenging question:

    ๐Ÿ‚ What would you do if you saw someone being bullied?
    -I would talk to that person and ask him what happened, then I would tell him to go to a trusted adult to tell him about this problem and make a complaint against the person who harassed him and I would tell her not to be afraid and not to be quiet because that way many people will not be able to face bullying.

    Thank you teacher, I have no thank you.

    1. Good evening dear Karina,
      Wonderful ideas that you and your classmates must practice to avoid bullying in schools.
      Why not you create a poster to say no bullying.
      Mrs. Zevallos

  18. Good afternoon teacher, I am the student Cristina Sarria Zuta from 2D and I will answer your challenging questions:

    What would you do if you saw someone being bullied?

    What I would do would be to report this and ask why they have not told their relatives or the teacher about this, from there it would help them and if that person wants to help me work on a bullying project so that other adolescents can report or not be silent and If that person is the one who harasses, let him stop doing it.

    Thanks teacher ✨

    1. Good afternoon dear Cristina,
      Great ideas! To stop bullying in our schools. You are a wise teenager that knows how to act in a case of bullying.
      A bullying project is a good idea that you can do with your classmates.
      Mrs. Zevallos

  19. Good afternoon teacher, I am the student Darรญo Jordan from 2B and I answered your challenging questions:
    What would you do if you saw someone being bullied?

    -If it is the aggressor, it has to be discussed because that person continues to bother or hurt the victim.

    Thanks teacher✨

    1. Good evening dear Dario,
      I don't think so you talk with the aggressor. Why not you talk with an adult.
      You are a smart teenager.
      Mrs. Zevallos

  20. Good afternoon teacher, I'm Ximena Villarruel from 2B
    ¿What would you do if you saw someone being bulliend?
    What I would do Is: first I would walk away a few meterse, then I would call the police or serenazgo and while they are coming I pretend that something fell yo the girl and I began to talk to her

    Sorry for the delay :)

    1. Good evening dear Ximena,
      You are a wise teenager who has sensitivity to the suffering of another person. You have good ideas to avoid bullying.
      Mrs. Zevallos

  21. buenas noches profesora soy el alumno fabrizzio salazar del 2"B" de secundaria
    What values have you learned from Nick's life?

    that any obstacle that crosses you must be faced
    What would you do if you saw someone suffer from bullying?
    would help you as a good companion and help you face your problems

  22. Good afternoon Miss Yanet greets you Gary Padilla Pantoja from 2nd "B"
    To the question: PRE A1
    What values ​​have you learned from Nick's life?
    He learned the value of Nick that he is a very disabled person and that his parents did not care that their son was disabled, because he will always see himself as their son and the most important thing is that a person considers him as he is.
    Thank you

  23. Good afternoon Miss Yanet, I'm Vladimir Arias from 2 "B" and I'll answer your question:
    What values have you learned from Nick's life?
    -Nick's video left me values ​​such as not giving up and being very strong in life and that you have to be patient.
    He manages to overcome adversity and is not daunted by his defects and I manage to overcome them.

  24. Good afternoon Miss Yanet, I´m Claudia Rodrรญguez Camayoc, 2nd grade "C" student. Today I am going to answer your challenging questions.

    What would you do if you saw someone who was bullied?

    - Well the first thing I would do would be to talk to her to give her my support and make her feel a little better, and then I would tell her to talk to a teacher or her parents about the bullying she is experiencing so that everything can stop and she I felt quiet.

    Thank you.

  25. Buenas noches miss soy el alumno Matthew Regalado del 2D.
    Enjoy watching the video about Nick Vujicic that inspire us with his life, and answer the challenging question.
    ๐Ÿ˜‡ What values have you learned from Nick's life?
    - Que siempre no improta como seamos debemos valorarnos pprque todps somos unicos.

  26. Good morning Professor Yanet, I'm Valentina Meza from 2nd A, regarding the following questions: (Sorry for the delay in my answers)

    ๐Ÿ˜‡ What values ​​have you learned from Nick's life?

    -The values ​​that I learned from Nick's life are perseverance, effort, respect, empathy and more self-love, and how important it is to love, respect and appreciate oneself, go for our dreams and goals, that We must never say that we cannot, that we are valuable, we must be grateful, love ourselves as we are and never think that we are useless.

    Thank you.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Good morning teacher, I am the student Alessandro Piedra Cotrina from 2 "D".
    ⚡ What values ​​have you learned from Nick's life?
    -Nick even though he had no arms and legs, every day he grew, he learned to manage his disability and to fend for himself, that is why we should not always give up in the face of any problem, if we do not have our heads high and be able to continue ahead.

    Thank you teacher, I have no doubt.

  29. Good evening teacher Yanet, I am the student Alexa Fernรกndez from 2ยบ B and I will answer the question:

    What values ​​have you learned from Nick's life?
    I have learned a lot as Nick teaches me to be brave and value myself for who I am.

    Thank you.

  30. Good evening Miss Yanet. I'm Mary Carmen Mendoza of 2° C

    What would you do if you saw someone suffer from bullying?

    What I would do is encourage him not to keep quiet, because he probably feels very bad, in addition to being hurt. I would also support you so you don't feel alone

    Thank you, teacher!

  31. Buenas noches profesora Yanet, soy Mercedes Zelaya del 2"A"

    -¿Quรฉ valores has aprendido de la vida de Nick?
    He aprendido de Nick que debemos valorarnos por lo que somos, y pese a las dificultades o problemas que tengamos siempre debemos confiar en nosotros mismos, ya que la discapacidad no debe ser un obstรกculo para alcanzar nuestros sueรฑos.




Welcome to the 18th week, my dear students, This week you are going to develop the following competencies: (Esta semana Ustedes desarrollara...