Welcome to the 18th week, my dear students,
Welcome to the 18th week, my dear students,
El propósito de esta semana es reflexionar sobre tu propio aprendizaje, revisando tus trabajos en tu portafolio, para conocer tus logros, dificultades y oportunidades de mejora.
(El propósito de esta semana es reflexionar sobre tu propio proceso de aprendizaje, a través de la revisión de los productos de tu portafolio, con la finalidad de conocer tus avances, dificultades y oportunidades de mejora).
Como es una semana especial, vamos a realizar esta reflexión en español. Para ello debes ser sincero y responder las preguntas de acuerdo a lo siguiente:
Reflexiono sobre mis productos, en base a criterio:
😎¿Tomo en cuenta los criterios de evaluación para elaborar mis productos? ¿De qué manera?
Reflexiono sobre el desarrollo de mi aprendizaje:
😎¿Qué dificultades se me presentaron cuando elaboré mi producto o desafío? ¿Qué hice para superarlas? Escribe tu compromiso de mejora.
Reconozco y valoro el uso del portafolio: 😎¿Para qué me sirve el portafolio? ¿Cómo puedo organizar mis productos en el portafolio para aprender mejor?
Hello! My dear second graders' students this week you will talk about your family and your favorite free-time activities, and write an email about your free-time activities too, write a conversation about recommendations or rules in English to improve your family member or friend's mental health.
I invite you to watch these videos that help you make your challenging products according to your level.
PRE-A1 / A1
My dear students remember that happiness is a state of mind or a mood. Teenagers are usually happier when they're satisfied with their lives and relationships, although nobody is happy all the time.
Wellbeing comes from physical, mental, and emotional health. It's also about understanding your emotions, taking part in different activities (your hobbies or new hobbies),having good relationships and social connections, finding meaning in life, and feeling that you're doing well.
Dear second graders students this week you are going to listen, read and write about a little girl, her mum, her dragon, and her new friends. Do you like reading stories?
Watch these videos and elaborate on your challenging products.
PRE-A1/ A1/ A2 / A2+
My Hero is you Story
Hello! Dear second graders students this week, you are going to talk about bullying, stereotypes, and discrimination. What's your opinion about those topics?
I invite you to watch these videos according to your level and answer the question.
PRE-A1 /A1Challenging QuestionDo you think that the girl (the victim)took the right decision to talk with her mom and her teacher? Why?
What's your opinion about the video and the moral "too quick to judge"?
Welcome to the 18th week, my dear students, This week you are going to develop the following competencies: (Esta semana Ustedes desarrollara...